A Land Trust for the mid to northern Willamette Valley conserving creeks, rivers, floodplains, oak woodlands, upland forests and more.

Click here to help us purchase the 270 acre Oak Meadows Natural Area which contains the Bradshaw's lomatium!

Help us finalize the acquisition of this amazing property today! It is a 270 acre wetland, and wet prairie - paired with gorgeous Oak woodlands. The property also has critical habitat for the rare

Bradshaw’s lomatium. Recent destruction of the lomatium’s habitat in SW Washington makes this purchase essential! Read Here! This property is fantastic. It supports Bradshaw’s lomatium, as well as extensive camas in the Spring. It also holds native sedges and grasses. We call this property the Oak Meadows Natural Area!

We have until December 15 to raise the final $180k to complete the purchase. Click the button below, or send a check to the Willamette River Preservation Trust, P.O. Box 117, Scotts Mills, OR 97375.

The mission of the Willamette River Preservation Trust is to, “Conserve and restore the lands and waters of the mid to northern Willamette River Basin, including: the Pudding River (and its tributaries Butte, Abiqua, and Silver Creeks), the Molalla River, the Clackamas River, and the Yamhill River Basins. Our work also includes the mainstem Willamette River from Salem Northward.” Note - The Trust will also consider property to the south of this range depending on the circumstance.

The trust purchases land for permanent protection, and receives donated land for permanent protection. In time we will also implement conservation easements.

We also provide opportunities for people to explore and enjoy these places so that everyone can become knowledgeable about their value, and what they offer to the natural world.  

To some degree, we are working to “rewild” properties that can provide improved natural habitat over time. The essence of rewilding is to let nature take its course (with a bit of help), and to enable species that have thrived in this area for thousands of years to flourish. This incudes everything from Birds and Dragonflies, to Elk, Bear, Freshwater Mussels and much more.

The New Land Trust - Check out this video that provides a bit more information about our new Land Trust! We serve the mid to northern Willamette Valley.

Our Organization

The Willamette River Preservation Trust (WRT) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 2023. Our Board recognized sizeable opportunities where other Land Trusts generally do not operate in the Willamette River Basin.

Our Board has significant experience in land conservation and education. The WRT aims to secure the protection of lands and waters in this area, and to engage people with the landscape.